In a vacuum environment, interaction with fine particles can be reduced, allowing extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light to be transmitted more effectively, improving the performance of optical devices and minimizing light loss. Additionally, the vacuum environment is free of dust and other impurities, which helps maintain the accuracy and precision of the optics.
Mass has considered the vacuum environment in the design and development of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) optical devices, which can help improve the performance of optical devices and provide better quality.
#극자외선, #광학렌즈, #파장, #미세입자, #고질량렌즈, #진공반도체, #EUV렌즈, #고정밀렌즈, #렌즈설계, #극자외선렌즈, #extremeultravioletrays, #opticallens, #wavelength, #fineparticles, #highmasslens, #vacuumsemiconductor, #EUVlens, #highprecisionlens, #lensdesign, #extremeultravioletlens